Amber Wolf

From Zendari Song Contest
Amber Wolf
Born Amber B. Wolf
East Manatee, Chattahoochee
Nationality Chattahoochean
Occupation Judge, Princess of Chattahoochee, internet sensation
Years active 2007-present

Amber Wolf is a judge from East Manatee. She is known for two viral videos in her courtroom, one where a defendant had no pants on and was denied pants and feminine hygiene products where she made a rant and made calls, and a defendant that had a no-contact order with his wife who gave birth which she made a temporary exception where he could meet his son.


Wolf was born in East Manatee. She graduated from Kelley High School and later went to Manatee State University. She graduated from Manatee State in 2004 and then from University of Norzel Law School in 2007.

Wolf stayed in Norzel after graduation and became a public defender for the east side of Norzel in 2007. She became a lawyer of her own firm in Southeast Norzel, where she met Peter Linkozine. He was in the process of becoming a doctor in Sidsonay Rapids and was suing his college girlfriend for taking his money for drugs. She won his suit in mid 2010. She then became a public attorney in North Norzel in 2011 and stayed until 2014 when she became the judge for District 7.

In 2016, Wolf was in the media for defending a female defendant who was brought to court without pants. She made a rant and changed her sentence from 75 days in jail to a $100 fine and credit time served.

Later that year, she was again in the news for letting a male inmate see his newborn son, making a temporary exception of his no-contact order with his wife due to a burglary charge.

In February 2018, Wolf ran into Linkozine again. By then, he was the king of Chattahoochee. They chatted and Linkozine offered her the role of Princess of Chattahoochee and her husband, Allan Wolf, the role of Prince of Chattahoochee. She contacted her husband and hours later, she called Linkozine and took his offer. In March, Wolf and her husband were given the role of Princess and Prince of Chattahoochee.